Representation System: Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Technology (SWEET)

Description: SWEET is a highly modular ontology suite with ~6000 concepts in ~200 separate ontologies covering Earth system science. SWEET is a mid-level ontology and consists of nine top-level concepts that can be used as a foundation for domain-specific ontologies that extend these top-level SWEET components. SWEET’s own domain-specific ontologies, which extend the upper level ontologies, can provide users interested in further developing a particular domain with a solid set of concepts to get started. SWEET ontologies are written in W3C Turtle; the Terse RDF Triple Language and are publicly available under the Apache License v2.0.
System Type: Ontology
Domain: Earth science
Version: 3.1.0


Unit Representation Status
Molemol preferred
Coulombcoulomb current
Kilogramkilogram current
Kelvinkelvin current
Metermeter current
Ampereampere current
Candelacandela current
Secondsecond current
UnitlessdimensionlessUnit current
Joulejoule current
Millimolemillimeter current
Hertzhertz current
Radianradian current
Steradiansteradian current